Thursday, March 1, 2012
Today was an exciting milestone for our littlest Coderre--Kelsey rolled over from back to belly! I was not expecting this for a few more months but am excited to see she can do it.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Today was Dr. Seuss' birthday and to celebrate the girls wore their "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" shirts to school. I received my new gray paper and decided to set up a quick backdrop for the girls to pose on. Photographing the girls together is IMPOSSIBLE but I managed to get this somewhat-in-focus shot.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The girls and I spent the whole day watching movies and laying on pillows and blankets on the floor. I try to get in as many photos with the family as possible and got lucky with this one as Kelsey looked right at the camera as the timer went off.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Paige is my little helper--whether its with folding the laundry or getting me diapers, she is always looking for ways to keep busy. Today she cleaned all the walls, tables, toys, cabinets (pretty much anything she could reach) with a damp rag and loved it. She's such a big girl!
Monday, March 5, 2012
And then Paige goes and does something naughty. Yep...that's PERMANENT marker on our sink and tile floor. She also managed to draw on the coffee table and get it in her mouth and on her hands. Connor was the same age when he did the same thing on our wood foot board, closet wall, and cabinets (he wrote "Connor Mommy Pete Daddy"). Always on my toes with this one though!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My beautiful Bree Bree! I don't get nearly enough photos of her. She's so hard to photograph because she always has her head down and doesn't make eye contact. But then I look at her infectious smile and see how happy she is and realize that this is the photograph that really means something.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
It was a beautiful day out so Kelsey and I decided to sit outside and wait for the rest of the kids to get home from school. I can't get over how big she's gotten and how set fits in her sisters' stroller.
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